just in case you want to practice your english a little bit
zeta :: spanish bird is known as BEEF OLIVE
ostrovidek probably leave our republic for more intensive practising
I am just curious, if others (I mean foreigners) also know czech food like spanish birds and if yes, do they call this food also spanish birds? do spanish habitants know this fact, that in czech republic we eat spanish birds and some things between earth and heaven we do not know, we call: this is for me a spanish village....???
ZuzanaK :: it does not seems to me like long long converstaion, pitty
Maci :: it seems to be a start of a long long english conversation
I see,
Maci :: jako sebevedomi ...I thought...
jéžišmarjá, já nevím, co je to confidence!!!!
ale thanks
Maci :: just a bit of self-confidence, you are good in fact
Maci :: ah, you underestimating your self, you make a nice sentence
wow, Iˇm afraid my English is too bad to practise it in here, I understand you all, but it is too difficult to make sentences like yours
Witch :: wow, as you describe it, i start to mis summer time already, beee
ostrovidek ::
so? how was it like in southern spain?? a lot of wine? hot and spicy girls? and red sun above the see in the evening? come on!
ostrovidek :: northen spain is nice as well, i would love to go there again, but probably it will not be soon
sorry .. i was on a very long trip to southern spain... unfortunately i havent been able to learn any spanish... :-)
kinda Silent hill
ostrovidek :: so?? come on! you wanted to practice a bit.. and you are silent really!
its actually ment to be achtung
achutng baby..
I habe nicht understand bitte schoen
leider.. oh my god..
I am soooo sorry.. es tut mit leid..
achtung achtung..
this is a crazy mix.. kruci.. fix..
achen tach tach chu ja mor ...
a new forum... in german..
well .. maybe I'm going to start another one - german just for you
guess the summer won't come this year.. whats your opinion ?