88% of the population lives within 20 kilometers of the coast. Australians like to joke that their founding father knew that future generations would love the beaches, so they built all the state capitals near the coast; but they couldn’t put
This country seems to have become a perennial “media darling”. Favorite movies are made here, books on the best-sellers lists are set there and every bush fire and shark attack is discussed on the nightly news. I think I don’t have to mention the famous Crocodile Dundee! We all recognize the elegant
It is really a fascinating country- both the landscape and the culture invite exploration and provide tremendous variety. You can be drawn by the unique wildlife, by a fascination for the Aboriginal culture or the wonders of the
I cannot forgot to mention also other typical Australian things, flowers or animals… a burnished red rock – the Ayers Rock - Aussie’s most distinctive landscape symbol, gum trees and other varieties of eucalyptus trees, colorful birds, blue sky and the shining sun. Other specialty is the wattle (there are more than 600 species of acacia and the golden wattle is the unofficial national floral emblem). Another features of the coastal strip are rain forests, the Nation parks or nice islands – e.g. the Fraser Island where the bush is mixed with the beautiful beaches, dingoes, cockatoos or exotic flowers.
Aboriginals = Australští domorodci
Acacia= akát
As well = taktéž
Aussie = slengový výraz pro “Australan”
Bandicoot= krysa malabarská
Brown snake = jedovatý druh hada
Burnished= naleštěný
Bush fire = lesní požár
Coastal = pobřežní, přímořský
Cockatoo= kakadu
Colorful = barevný, barvitý, pestrý
Croc = krokodýl
Death adder= australský jedovatý had připomínající zmiji
Descendant = potomek
Dingo = australský pes dingo
Diversity = rozmanitost, různorodost, pestrost
Exploration = zkoumání, bádání, výzkum
Founding father = praotec, zakladatel
Fairly = zcela, úplně
Feature= rys, znak
Ferocious= krvelačný, divoký, zuřivý, prudký, ostrý
Foral = květinový
Focus on = zaměřit se na, soustředit se na, orientovat se na
Giant clams= obří mlž (žije v korálových útesech Indického a Atlantského oceánu, váží přes 200kg)
Glimpse= pohled
Gum tree = gumovník
However = avšak, ale, nicméně, však
It is worth = má to cenu
Kookaburra= ledňák obrovský
Landscape= krajina
Native = rodný, domorodý
Penguin = tučňák
Perennial = trvalý, stálý, pernamentní, věčný, vytrvalý, víceletý
Poisonous = jedovatý, škodlivý
Possum = posuk (vačicový)
Platypus= ptakopysk
Shark = žralok
Shark attack = útok žraloka
Shy = plachý, bázlivý
Strip= pruh, proužek, pás
Submersible = ponorka
Taipan = prudce jedovatý had (korálovcovitý)
Tremendous = obrovský, velikánský, senzační, fantastický
Unofficial = neoficiální
Unique = jedinečný
Wallaby= malý klokan
Wattle= proutěné pletivo
Wonder = zázrak, div