Is it because you are not hungry in the morning or you don’t have time? Or, is it because you think breakfast will make you hungry the rest of the day or because you think it will help you lose weight?
No matter what your reason is for skipping breakfast – there is a solution and yes, it is still important to start your day with a nutritious meal. Breakfast can be quick, satisfying and tasty with a preparation time of 10 minutes or less.
Also the American Dietetic Association says breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Forty years of breakfast related studies show that jump starting the day with breakfast benefits everyone - children, teens and adults. Eating breakfast is very important for the brain and the body first thing in the morning.
Despite the healthful benefits, breakfast may be the meal that is most often neglected or skipped. Eating breakfast not only aids in weight management, it fuels the body to help provide energy, better concentration and problem-solving ability throughout the day. Breakfast is the first chance the body has to refuel its glucose levels, also known as blood sugar, after 8 to 12 hours without a meal or snack. Glucose is essential for the brain and is the main energy source. Blood glucose also helps fuel the muscles needed for physical activity throughout the day.
Binge eating = pozdní stravování se
Carbohydrates = sacharidy
Curb = omezit, potlačit
Despite = přes, navzdory
Dose = dávka, porce
Essential = zásadní, hlavní, nezbytný, neodmyslitelný
Fuel = zásobit
High-fiber = hodně vlákniny
Chance = šance, příležitost
Lat-laden = plný tuku, tučný
Lead to = vést k
Less = méně
Lose weight = hubnout
Muscle = sval
Nap = zdřímnutí si
Neglect = zanedbávat
No matter = je jedno, nezáleží
Oatmeal = ovesné vločky
Over-eating = přejídání se
Peanut = arašídový
Prevent = zabránit, zamezit
Problem-solving ability = schopnost řešit problémy
Provide = poskytovat, obstarat
Recipe = recept
Refuel = doplnit
Related = týkající se, související, mající souvislost, vztahující se
Rest = zbytek
Satisfying = uspokující
Skip = vynechat
Smoothie = nápoj ze zmrzlého ovoce a jogurtu
Source = zdroj
Tasty = chutný
Teens = náctiletí
Throughout = během
Unsaturated = nenasycený
Weight loss = ztráta, úbytek váhy
Wheat germ = pšeničný klíček
Whole grains = celozrnné potraviny
Whole wheat = celozrnný
Yearning = toužení