Although most schools are fully equipped to deal with children who are especially able in academic subjects, it doesn´t mean that they can discover a musically gifted child. It really requires special understanding! Moreover in many schools is the music regarded as a secondary activity.
Relatively recently some special schools in Britain were opened. At this specialist music schools the children spend between one third and one half of an average day on music activities. They have individual lessons, orchestras, they work in chamber groups, have voice training, lessons of conducting and of course they study the theory, too. The rest of their time is taken up with restricted academic programme.
All this seems to be very nice...But the biggest disadvantage is the obvious problem – money. The fees are high and the parents spend on the child´s special school up to 17.000 pounds a year!
Fortunately, each school can make the effort with scholarships and other forms of financial assistance.
Ability – schopnost
Although – ačkoli, přestože
Average – průměrný
Conduct – dirigovat, řídit, vést
Cope – vědět si rady, umět se vypořádat, poradit si s, stačit na
Deal with – zacházet s, zabývat se něčím
Develope – rozvinout, vyzdvihnout, vyvolat
Disadvantage – nevýhoda, zápor, stinná stránka
Encourage – povzbudit, podnítit, nadchnout, pěstovat, podněcovat
Especially able – vyjímečně schopný
Fee – poplatek
Fully equipped – plně vybavený
Gifted – obdařený
Half – polovina, půlka
Chamber – komorní
Make effort – snažit se
Nowadays – v dnešní době
Obvious – očiviodný, zřejmý, jasný, pochopitelný, samozřejmý, běžný
Outstanding – výjimečný, význačný, nápadný
Recently – nedávno
Regard as – považovat za, mít za
Require – vyžadovat, požadovat
Rest of time – zbytek času
Restricted – vyhrazený
Secondary – druhotný
Seem to – zdá se
Scholarship – kapesné pro studenty, sponzorství pro studující, stipendium
Spend on – utratit za
Take up with – oddat se něčemu
Third – třetina