Human Rights
One of the great achievements of the United Nations is the creation of a comprehensive body of human rights law, which, for the first time in history, provides us with a universal and internationally protected code of human rights, one to which all nations can subscribe and to which all people can aspire.
Not only has the Organization painstakingly defined a broad range of internationally accepted rights — including economic, social and cultural, as well as political and civil rights; it has also established mechanisms with which to promote and protect these rights and to assist governments in carrying out their responsibilities.
Human rights law
The foundations of this body of law are the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the General Assembly in 1948. Since then, the United Nations has gradually expanded human rights law to encompass specific standards for women, children, disabled persons, minorities, migrant workers and other vulnerable groups, who now possess rights that protect them from discriminatory practices that had long been common in many societies. Rights have been extended through groundbreaking General Assembly decisions that have gradually established their universality, indivisibility and interrelatedness with development and democracy.
Human rights action
Education campaigns have tirelessly informed the world’s public of their inalienable rights, while numerous national judicial and penal systems have been enhanced with United Nations training programmes and technical advice. The United Nations machinery to monitor compliance with human rights covenants has acquired a remarkable cohesiveness and weight among Member States.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights works to strengthen and coordinate United Nations work for the protection and promotion of all human rights of all persons around the world. The Secretary-General has made human rights the central theme that unifies the Organization’s work in the key areas of peace and security, development, humanitarian assistance and economic and social affairs.
Human rights are recognized as fundamental by the United Nations and, as such, feature prominently in the Preamble of the Charter of the United Nations.
Acquire = získat, dosáhnout, pořídit, nabýt
Advice = rada, zpráva, informace, pokyn, upozornění, ponaučení
Achievement = úspěch, výkon, dosažení
Among = mezi
As well = taktéž
Aspire = usilovat, snažit se, toužit, mířit
Broad = široký, obsáhlý, otevřený, přibližný, jasný, zřejmý, neurčitý, všestranný
Campaign = kampaň
Carry out = provést, uskutečnit, splnit
Cohesiveness =soudržnost
Compliance = souhlas, shoda, svolení, vyhovění, spnění, harmonie, poddajnost, ochota
Comprehensive = komplexní, úplný, vyčerpávající, zahrnující, osažný
Covenant = smluvní listina, smlouva, stanovy, uzavřít slavnostní smlouvu, závazek, úmluva
Degree = stupeň, míra
Disabled = postižený, invalidní, chromý, neschopný
Encompass = zahrnovat, obsahovat, vykonat, zvládnout, provést
Enhance = obohacovat, zvýšit, zvětšit, vystupňovat, přehnat, nadsazovat
Establish = ustanovit, založit, zavést, vybudovat, zřídit, jmenovat, zařídit, ustavit, zjednat
Feature = charakterizovat, uvádět, zdůraznit, význačný rys
General Assembly = Valné shromáždění OSN
Government = vláda
Groundbreaking = průkopnický
High Commissioner = vysoký komisař
Human Rights = lidská práva
Inalienable = nezadatelný, nezcizitelný, neměnný
Indivisibility = nedílnost, nedělitelnost
Interrelatedness = vzájemnost, sounáležitost
Involve = zapojit, příslušet
Key area = klíčová oblast
Law = zákon
Nations = národy
Painstakingly = pečlivě
Penal = trestný, donucovací
Possess = vlastnit, držet, zmocnit se
Preamble of the Charter = Preambule (předmluva) k Chartě OSN
Prominently = význačně
Provide = poskytnout
Range = škála, řada, paleta, rozmezí, pásmo, rozůětí
Remarkable = významný, pozoruhodný, nápadný, mimořádný, stojící za povšimnutí
Since then = od té doby
Society = společnost
Strengthen = posílit, utužit, podpořit, upevnit
Subscribe = podepsat se
Tirelessly = neúnavně
United Nations body = orgán OSN
United Nations Charter = Charta OSN
Universal = světový, obecný
Universality = všeobecnost, všestrannost
Virtually = prakticky, fakticky, ve skutečnosti, vlastně
Vulnerable groups = ohrožené skupiny
Weight = váha
One of the great achievements of the United Nations is the creation of a comprehensive body of human rights law, which, for the first time in history, provides us with a universal and internationally protected code of human rights, one to which all nations can subscribe and to which all people can aspire.
Not only has the Organization painstakingly defined a broad range of internationally accepted rights — including economic, social and cultural, as well as political and civil rights; it has also established mechanisms with which to promote and protect these rights and to assist governments in carrying out their responsibilities.
Human rights law
The foundations of this body of law are the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the General Assembly in 1948. Since then, the United Nations has gradually expanded human rights law to encompass specific standards for women, children, disabled persons, minorities, migrant workers and other vulnerable groups, who now possess rights that protect them from discriminatory practices that had long been common in many societies. Rights have been extended through groundbreaking General Assembly decisions that have gradually established their universality, indivisibility and interrelatedness with development and democracy.
Human rights action
Education campaigns have tirelessly informed the world’s public of their inalienable rights, while numerous national judicial and penal systems have been enhanced with United Nations training programmes and technical advice. The United Nations machinery to monitor compliance with human rights covenants has acquired a remarkable cohesiveness and weight among Member States.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights works to strengthen and coordinate United Nations work for the protection and promotion of all human rights of all persons around the world. The Secretary-General has made human rights the central theme that unifies the Organization’s work in the key areas of peace and security, development, humanitarian assistance and economic and social affairs.
Human rights are recognized as fundamental by the United Nations and, as such, feature prominently in the Preamble of the Charter of the United Nations.
Acquire = získat, dosáhnout, pořídit, nabýt
Advice = rada, zpráva, informace, pokyn, upozornění, ponaučení
Achievement = úspěch, výkon, dosažení
Among = mezi
As well = taktéž
Aspire = usilovat, snažit se, toužit, mířit
Broad = široký, obsáhlý, otevřený, přibližný, jasný, zřejmý, neurčitý, všestranný
Campaign = kampaň
Carry out = provést, uskutečnit, splnit
Cohesiveness =soudržnost
Compliance = souhlas, shoda, svolení, vyhovění, spnění, harmonie, poddajnost, ochota
Comprehensive = komplexní, úplný, vyčerpávající, zahrnující, osažný
Covenant = smluvní listina, smlouva, stanovy, uzavřít slavnostní smlouvu, závazek, úmluva
Degree = stupeň, míra
Disabled = postižený, invalidní, chromý, neschopný
Encompass = zahrnovat, obsahovat, vykonat, zvládnout, provést
Enhance = obohacovat, zvýšit, zvětšit, vystupňovat, přehnat, nadsazovat
Establish = ustanovit, založit, zavést, vybudovat, zřídit, jmenovat, zařídit, ustavit, zjednat
Feature = charakterizovat, uvádět, zdůraznit, význačný rys
General Assembly = Valné shromáždění OSN
Government = vláda
Groundbreaking = průkopnický
High Commissioner = vysoký komisař
Human Rights = lidská práva
Inalienable = nezadatelný, nezcizitelný, neměnný
Indivisibility = nedílnost, nedělitelnost
Interrelatedness = vzájemnost, sounáležitost
Involve = zapojit, příslušet
Key area = klíčová oblast
Law = zákon
Nations = národy
Painstakingly = pečlivě
Penal = trestný, donucovací
Possess = vlastnit, držet, zmocnit se
Preamble of the Charter = Preambule (předmluva) k Chartě OSN
Prominently = význačně
Provide = poskytnout
Range = škála, řada, paleta, rozmezí, pásmo, rozůětí
Remarkable = významný, pozoruhodný, nápadný, mimořádný, stojící za povšimnutí
Since then = od té doby
Society = společnost
Strengthen = posílit, utužit, podpořit, upevnit
Subscribe = podepsat se
Tirelessly = neúnavně
United Nations body = orgán OSN
United Nations Charter = Charta OSN
Universal = světový, obecný
Universality = všeobecnost, všestrannost
Virtually = prakticky, fakticky, ve skutečnosti, vlastně
Vulnerable groups = ohrožené skupiny
Weight = váha