Beauty called ROSE

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Beauty called ROSE

seriál :: Language corner

There are approximately 150 species of rose. Crossbreeding, selection, and hybridization have led to the development of many thousands of cultivars from these species.

They are valued mainly for the fragrance and color of their flowers, although some are also grown for the ornamental value of their fruit (hips). Cultivars can be divided into Old Garden and Modern roses, and these into the well-recognized sub-groups…

The rose has a long history of symbolism and meaning. The ancient Greeks and Romans identified the rose with their goddesses of love (Aphrodite and Venus). In Rome a wild rose would be placed on the door of a room where confidential matters were discussed. The phrase sub-rosa, or "under the rose", means to keep a secret - derived from this ancient Roman practice.

Early Christians identified the five petals of the rose with the five wounds of Christ. Despite this interpretation, their leaders were hesitant to adopt it because of its association with Roman excesses and pagan ritual.

The red rose was eventually adopted as a symbol of the blood of the Christian martyrs. Roses also later came to be associated with the Virgin Mary. Rose culture came into its own in Europe in the 1800s with the introduction of perpetual blooming roses from China.

There are currently thousands of varieties of roses developed for bloom shape, size, fragrance, and even for lack of prickles. Roses are ancient symbols of love and beauty and till now each woman loves to get it for any kind of occasion

There is the Victorian “language of flowers” – each different colored rose has its own symbolic meaning:

Red = love

Pink = grace, gentle feelings of love (dark pink = gratitude, light pink = admiration, sympathy)

White = innocence, purity, secrecy, friendship, reverence and humility

Yellow = generally means dying love or platonic love; in some countries, however, it can mean jealousy and infidelity (yellow with red tips = friendship, falling in love)

Orange = passion

Burgundy = beauty

Blue = mystery

Green = calm

●Black = “slavish devotion“(as a true black rose is impossible to produce)

Purple = protection (paternal/maternal love)

Wikipedia – otevřená encyklopedie

Oxford dictionary, 1999

Admiration = obdiv
Adopt = přimout, osvojit si
Although = ačkoliv
Ancient = starověký, starý
Aphrodite = Afrodita
Associate = spojovat
Blood = krev
Bloom = květ, půvab, rozkvět, kvítek
Blooming = kvetení
Calm = klid
Confidential = důvěrný, tajný
Crossbreeding = křížení
Cultivar = vyšlechtěná odrůda
Currently = zrovna, aktuálně, v současné době
Derive from = pocházet z, odvodit z
Despite = navzdory
Develop = vyvinout se, vzniknout, vyrůst
Development = rozvoj
Excess = výstřelek, rozdíl, přemíra
Fragrance = příjemná vůně
Fruit = ovoce, plod, výnos
Goddess = bohyně
Grace = půvabný, slušnosný, milý, laskavý
Gratitude = vděčnost
Gentle = jemný, něžný, vznešený, laskavý, vlídný
Hesitant = váhající, váhavec
Hip = šípek
Humility = pokora, skromnost
Hybridization = hybridizace, křížení
Christ = Ježíš
Christian = křesťan
Identify = poznat, určit, rozpoznat
Infidelity = nevěra
Innocence = nevinnost
Jealousy = žárlivost
Lack of = nedostatek čeho
Martyr = trápení, mučení
Maternal = mateřský
Matter = věc, záležitost, látka, otázka
Mystery = tajemství, záhada, zázrak
Occasion = příležitost, událost
Pagan = pohanský, neznabožský
Passion = vášeň
Paternal = otcovský
Petal = okvětní lístek, plátek
Perpetual = věčný, stálý, neustálý
Practice = zkušenost, postup
Prickle = trn, osten, bodlina, píchání
Purity = neposkvrněnost, cudnost, nevinnost
Reverence = úcta, vážnost
Secrecy = diskrétnost, tajemství, mlčenlivost
Shape = tvar, forma, podoba
Size = velikost, délka, formát
Slavish devotion = slepá oddanost
Species = druh
Sympathy = pochopení, soucit, sympatie
Tip = špička, okraj, cíp
Valued = cenný
Variety = různost, pestrost, rozmanitost, varianta, druh
Venus = Venuše
Virgin Mary = Panna Marie
Wound = rána, poranění, zranění

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