Ice skating

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Ice skating

seriál :: Language corner

Ice skating has a history of thousands of years. Archaeologists have discovered skates made from animal bone. They managed to find out that they were used mainly in Scandinavia, where skating was seen as an essential skill among the Scandinavian upper classes!

For ice skating started a new wave of popularity in 1924 at the Winter Olympics, when only 11 years old Sonja Henie introduced a more athletic attitude.

If you would like to practice this wonderful discipline, start with balance and control. But always mind that speed can be increased only with proficiency. It is also very important knowing how to fall. It must be learnt among the first skills. In order to fall without injury, you should be as relaxed as possible. Try to lessen the shock when you hit the ice!

We have various styles – figure skating, free style, speed, skating in pairs and so on, but the basis of all them is first to learn figure skating and then elementary freestyle. The basic figures can be learnt very soon and you will see that the turns, jumps and spins of elementary free style will follow soon. Of course, if you would like to be good at skating, you must be first of all relaxed. If you wish to achievegraceful movement, exercise regularly.

Skating is a very good sport, because it improves balance, coordination, relaxation and movement. It improves heart and lung activity and generally strengthens the body. If you combine it with swimming or jogging, it will provide you a great program for all-round health and fitness!

Achieve = dosáhnout
All-round = všestranný/ě, celkový/ě
Among = mezi
Attitude = postoj, držení těla
Basis = základ, hlavní část, podstata
Be good at = být dobrý v
Bone = kost
Discover = objevit
Figure skating = krasobruslení
Find out = zjistit
First of all = především, v první řadě, nejdříve, nejprve
Fitness = tělesná zdatnost
Follow = následovat, sledovat
Graceful = ladný
Heart = srdce
Hit = narazit, udeřit se, praštit se
Ice skating = bruselení
Improve = zlepšit, zdokonalit
In order to = aby, za účelem, aby mohl
Injury = zranění
Introduce = předvést, představit
Jump = skok
Lessen = zmenšit
Lung = plíce
Manage = podařit se
Practice = vykonávat
Proficiency = pokrok, zdokonalení
Provide = poskytnout, zajistit
Regularly = pravidelně
Skill = dovednost
Speed = rychlost
Spin = toč, spirála
Strengthen = posílit
Turn = otočka
Upper class = vyšší třída
Wave = vlna

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