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THEATRE na Články, recenze, povídky, stále nové soutěže, hry, horoskopy na týden atd.
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Theatre (theater) comes from the French word "théâtre" or from Greek "theatron (θέατρον)”, meaning "place of seeing". Bernard Beckerman, head of Hofstra University's department of drama, in his book, “Dynamics of Drama”, defines theatre as what "occurs when one or more human beings, isolated in time and/or space, present themselves to another or others."

For Czech people, the most notable is the National Theatre of Prague…

The National Theatre constitutes the embodiment of the Czech nation’s desire to come into its own. People from all strata of society contributed generously to a fund to build this symbol of nationhood and the ceremonious laying of the foundation stone of this edifice on 16th May 1868 proved to be an all-nation political demonstration.

The National Theatre was opened for the first time on 11th June 1881 to honour the visit of Crown Prince Rudolf. Subsequently there were 11 more shows after which the theatre was closed down to finish the building work. While this was in progress a fire broke out on 12th August 1881 which destroyed the copper dome, both the stage and auditorium. The fire was regarded as an all-nation catastrophe and generated immense determination to raise funds once more: within 47 days one million florins were amassed.

The National Theatre was officially reopened on 18th November 1883 with a performance of Smetana’s opera Libuše composed for this gala occasion. This theatre which was perfectly designed and equipped (with electric lighting, a steel-constructed stage) served its purpose without any radical modifications for almost one hundred years. In 1977 the theatre was closed down for over six years and an overall reconstruction project was launched.

The all-embracing project combined with additional work on the theatre surroundings was finished according to plan, notably the date of 100th anniversary of its opening on 18th November 1983. On this night a performance of Smetana’s opera “Libuše” again symbolized the dedication of this historical monument to the general public. Currently this historically extremely important and beautiful edifice, together with the annex of a modern building which is home to the administration and also includes the main box office, serves as the main stage of three National Theatre ensembles: drama, opera and ballet.

Oxford dictionary, 1999

Additional = další, dodatečný
Amass = hromadit, nakupit, sesbírat
Annex = dostavba
All-embracing = obsáhlý, všestranný, všeobecný
Auditorium = sál, hlediště
Both = oboje
Break out = vypuknout
Ceremonious = slavnostní
Contribute = přispívat, podílet se
Copper dome = měděný palác
Crown Prince = následník trůnu, korunní princ
Currently = aktuálně, v současné době
Dedication = věnování, zasvěcení
Desire = přání, touha
Determination = rozhodnutí, určení, směr, tendence
Edifice = budova, stavba
Embodiment = ztělesnění, vtělení, včlenění
Equip = vybavit, vystrojit
Florin = zlatý (peníz)
Foundation stone = základní kámen
Generate = vyvolat, vytvořit, dát vzniknout, plodit
Generously = velkoryse, štědře
Head of department = vedoucí, šéf oddělení
Honour = (po)ctít, vzdát hold
Immense = obrovský, nesmírný
Isolate = oddělit, odloučit
Launch = nastartovat, zahájit
Laying = kladení
Nationhood = státnost, národnost, národní ráz
Notable = význačný, důležitý, pozoruhodný
Notably = pozoruhodně
Occasion = příležitost, událost
Occur = nastat
Overall = celkový, souhrnný
Prove = ukázat se, projevit se, ověřit
Purpose = účel, úmysl, záměr, cíl
Raise funds = získat prostředky
Regard = považovat, nahlížet
Stage = jeviště
Strata = vrstvy
Steel-constructed stage = ocelová konstrukce jeviště
Subsequently = následovně, postupně, pak, nato
Surroundings = okolí
Within = během

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